About Gary Chua
The Real Estate Agent Mentor
Gary Chua is the co-founder of Navis
— One of the largest division with Huttons real estate agency, and the fastest growing group in this competitive industry. Gary is also a mentor to many real estate agents and team builders, for two decades and counting.
Before devoting his work full-time to grooming realtors, Gary was himself an distinguished real estate salesperson. He first stepped into the industry at age 30 in Year 2000 and having been Top 50 Achievers in his 5 years of sales, he understands the hurdles and challenges facing both new and experienced agents, and is thus equipped with a wealth of knowledge to aid and teach the property agents whom he takes under his wings.
In 2005, Gary realised that his true calling was to groom and coach the next generation of real estate agents. It was also the year that he consciously diverted almost all of his time and effort into recruitment activities, putting his personal sales aside and taking a hit in his bottom line.
Through sheer grit and determination, Gary's vision took hold as his team expanded, eventually growing to become the largest division in its agency, and also one of the largest in Singapore. It cultivated numerous top producers and achievers throughout the decade—some of whom have clocked in more than S$1,000,000 in commission in a single year, broken many sales records, won many local and international awards, and helped many real estate agents achieve outstanding results and realise their financial freedom.
Outside of work, Gary is a loving husband and father. He spends quality time with his family baking delicious treats and cooking up a storm in the kitchen, he even recently started learning the piano from his daughter. While being a firm believer in lifelong learning and self-improvement, Gary also hits the gym regularly, stays flexible doing yoga, plays a couple of rounds at the green every so often. Making full use of this financial freedom that was afforded to him through the groundwork that he has laid throughout the decades.
Today, Gary is a renowned real estate agent mentor and continues developing future talents within the real estate sales industry through innovative coaching and avant-garde training systems.