Law Of Attraction Works For Me!
Have you seen the movie or read the book The Secret?
In 2006 when I first came across the book ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne, I was really excited because I had always known that our mind is the most powerful tool for determining our destiny. As the saying goes: ‘We become what we think about’. If we can train our mind to think positively, we can enjoy a rich and fuller life.
So What Is The Secret? The Secret Is The Law Of Attraction.
The entire order of the Universe is defined by the Law of Attraction, and this includes all your experiences and everything that comes into your life. It’s the magnetic power of your thoughts that create your reality – “What you think about, you bring about”.
Do you remember the Ikea video about bullying? Why did the plant that was abused fare so badly? Do our thoughts really have energy - or is it magic? No, it’s not magic – it’s science.
There’s a lot of scientific evidence available today to prove that our thoughts alone have immediate and tangible effects on both ourselves and our environment. Under strict laboratory conditions, cutting edge science has confirmed that every thought is made up of energy and has its own unique frequency.
Thinking positive will result in a positive outcome, and vice versa. It’s the same as “You are what you think” and “You become what you think about”.
My Own Experience
Of course I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was actually practicing The Law of Attraction long before I even knew it existed. In 2000 when I was a real estate rookie, every time I walked into the office I would spend a few minutes staring at the top achievers chart on the wall. I would visualise my own photo on that chart; then every night before I slept I would visualise myself going up onto the stage and receiving my top achiever award.
On the 4th month I got into that top achievers chart by closing 6 transactions in the month.
Then, a few months later, I started visualizing buying my dream car – a brand-new BMW. And suddenly, I could see BMW’s everywhere. Every traffic light I stopped at and every car-park I went into, I saw my dream car. In science, this is known as Reticular Activating System. You may be interested to know that, today, digital marketers use this same concept to re-target consumers who have clicked on their ads.
But, back to my dream car! It was only a few months later that I was able to buy my dream car, and while I didn’t know it at the time, but I was actually practicing The Law of Attraction.
In 2006 when I started building my real estate sales team, I always visualised myself having a team of 1000 real estate agents. I did a lot of reading: I read how to be an effective leader, about leadership knowledge, how to be a likable person, and how to be a people magnet.
Then, in 2013 I achieved my goal.
Oprah Winfrey once described the success of the Law of Attraction in her life in an interview with Larry King. Jim Carrey, Will Smith, Arnold Schwarzenegger, as well as many others, have all achieved great success with The Law of Attraction.
Like Attracts Like
Like attracts Like through The Law of Attraction, which simply proves that the Law of Attraction is constantly working in our Universe. One clear example is that we can see people with certain types of thoughts are attracted to people with the same types of thoughts.
The Law of Attraction ensures these people with similar thoughts get along together - it helps them understand each other. ‘Like attracts Like’ makes similar people reach out to each other - good people will be seen with good people - positive people will be seen with positive people.
Every thought has a frequency, and the Law of Attraction means that people on the same frequency are attracted to each other. If a good person entered into a group of negative-thinking people, they would soon feel very uncomfortable and start looking for a way out.
3 Easy Steps for Working With The Law Of Attraction
For the Law of Attraction to work for you, you must first believe that it actually works.
To begin, try these techniques on small things. To get a feel for how the Law of Attraction can work in your life, choose something that is quite achievable. Once you achieve the results you desire, it will confirm your belief in the Law of Attraction and you can move on to something bigger.
Step 1: Choose Your Desire
The first and most important step in the Law of Attraction is to decide what it is you want. It’s critical that you have a very clear image of your desire. Regardless of whether it’s something small you want to attract or perhaps you need a major lifestyle overhaul; you must be clear about what you really want.
Whenever you think about or imagine this new thing in your life, use each of your five senses to imagine it fully. Set aside some time for quiet meditation and imagine what it would feel like after this new thing has been attracted into your life.
Maybe your desire is to attract lots of like-minded real estate agents into your team, or perhaps your desire is to clock $100,000 a month in commission. Visualise what this new thing feels like, smells like, sounds like, looks like, and tastes like.
Now ask yourself the following questions –
o How do you feel now that you have this new thing in your life?
o Where in your body do you feel it?
o Does it make your heart flutter or your toes tingle?
o Do you feel a wave of calm, or does it make your pulse race?
Don’t simply focus on receiving this new thing, you must make it real in your mind. Think about how your life will be after you receive this thing. How will it change your world?
This is a very important step because it prepares your body and mind to receive whatever it is you’re asking for, remembering that our brains are unable to tell the difference between imagination and reality.
Read this carefully! When you’re engaged in full sensory imagination, your body is fired up by your brain to move forward. Every part of your body, including heart, lungs, blood flow and muscles, gears up to engage in whatever it is you’re imagining. Research has proven over and over again that hormones and synapses are triggered by visualisation. A Synapse, or neuronal junction, is the transmission site of electric nerve impulses between two nerve neurons.
Step 2: Believe 100% That You Deserve It
You’re not going to get what you’re seeking if you don’t 100% believe that you deserve it. Beware of those deep subconscious doubts and fears because they send very loud and clear messages too. If there’s any part of you that doesn’t fully believe you deserve what you’re seeking, you now have a competition between that part of you and your desire.
It’s very similar to when you’re scanning through the radio looking for a signal. When you’re in-between stations, the two stations appear to be competing with each other and you’ll often hear part of one song then parts of a different song beginning to edge in. Neither station comes in clear or crisp. It’s exactly the same with the Law of Attraction; when you’re experiencing fears or doubts, those feelings and thoughts compete with and interrupt your desires.
This is a very important step in the Law of Attraction because those competing signals can be very strong. How do you change the direction of those thoughts or weaken the signal? It’s simple – you do it by loving yourself more and by fully believing (knowing) that you deserve good things in your life. You absolutely must believe that you deserve this new thing you’re asking for.
Step 3: Experience The Reality Of Achieving Your Desire
Okay, you know what you want, all your doubts and fears have been cleared away, and you’ve experienced first-hand how the Law of Attraction works for you in the past. The next step is an acting exercise. You know the saying: ‘Fake it ‘till you make it” - that’s what you’ll be doing next.
You’re going to take this a step further than simply visualising – you’re going to start living the reality. How do you do this? Let’s say you’re trying to lose weight. You live the reality by going out and buying a beautiful outfit in the size you’re aiming to achieve.
If your desire is to buy a new car, then go to the dealership and start looking at and asking questions about the vehicle you want. What if your desire is something huge, like financial freedom? Then you start planning how you’ll spend all that money and what you’ll do with so much free time.
Action is the important step here. By this we mean you must act as if you already have what you want, and it doesn’t have to be anything big or extravagant.
There are 2 reasons why this step is so important. The first reason is that it puts you in alignment with your desires. Remember that ‘Like attracts Like’ is the whole concept behind the Law of Attraction, so you’re sending a very clear message to the universe that you’re serious when you take action and act as if you’ve already got what you wanted. Actions speak louder than words!
The second reason why this step is so important is that you begin to feel the pleasure of being able to attract something you desire. It reinforces your visualisation of Step 1 and solidifies your belief. Embrace this final step with enthusiasm and joy.
Persistence And Patience Is Key
You may be wondering what you should be doing after you’ve completed the first 3 steps. Now to the final piece of the puzzle. The answer is persistence. Actually, the real answer is patience and persistence because some people have things happen immediately, while others take longer. Every person has their own personal hurdles to overcome, and there’s certainly no formula for how long it takes to manifest something into your life.
The law of attraction will work with or without your intention or your permission because it’s a universal law. Your understanding of how this law can work for you, and your awareness of it, will enable you to attract more of the things you do want.
Continue thinking positively and express appreciation and gratitude every day. Keep recalling all the connections you’ve made in the past that prove the Law Of Attraction works for you. Take a moment every single day to review the visualisation exercises as above and prepare yourself to receive this amazing gift.
In Conclusion
The Law of Attraction is an unchanging and simple universal principle. Think of it like gravity, also an unchanging universal principle – when something is thrown up into the air, it will drop back down to the ground.
This does not mean that you will get whatever you want by following the above steps and not working for it. You need to trust in your work and you still need to work hard.
You also need to be thankful and stay positive. Remember that your energy vibrations are just like radio signals - your signal must be tuned in to a vibration worthy of receiving it.
When you radiate out a thought, the frequency and energy of like-thoughts, like-people, and like-objects are attracted to it, and those things are drawn back to you. Which follows then that ‘Thoughts Become Things’. That’s why we have to closely monitor the way we think.
A famous quote by Bob Proctor, renowned motivational coach, speaker, author, and Law of Attraction teacher is “Thoughts become things: if you see it in your mind you will hold it in your hand”.
It’s the Law of Attraction.
** Please share this article if you find it useful or know someone who can benefit from it. Thank You.
To Your Success,
Gary Chua is the co-founder of Navis Living Group
—A 1800 agents-strong division with Huttons real estate agency, and the fastest growing group in this competitive industry. Gary is also a mentor to many real estate agents and team builders, for two decades and counting.
Before devoting his work full-time to grooming realtors, Gary was himself an distinguished real estate salesperson. He first stepped into the industry at age 30 in Year 2000 and having been Top 50 Achievers in his 5 years of sales, he understands the hurdles and challenges facing both new and experienced agents, and is thus equipped with a wealth of knowledge to aid and teach the property agents whom he takes under his wings.
In 2005, Gary realised that his true calling was to groom and coach the next generation of real estate agents. It was also the year that he consciously diverted almost all of his time and effort into recruitment activities, putting his personal sales aside and taking a hit in his bottom line.
Through sheer grit and determination, Gary's vision took hold as his team expanded, eventually growing to become the largest division in its agency, and also one of the largest in Singapore. It cultivated numerous top producers and achievers throughout the decade—some of whom have clocked in more than S$1,000,000 in commission in a single year, broken many sales records, won many local and international awards, and helped many real estate agents achieve outstanding results and realise their financial freedom.
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