Real Estate Agents Long Term Success Formula
We all know that being a Real Estate Agent isn’t an easy job (unlike what people think). Our business does not revolve only around Sales, there’s also Marketing, Admin work, Prospecting, Finances, etc etc…
We are all basically a one-man show running our own business. Hence, all of us will feel stressed or even burn out at some point in our careers. Many Real Estate Agents cannot sustain their success and some quit after a few years of hustle even they are successful. They often made one or more of these mistakes - 10 Common Mistakes Made by Underperforming Real Estate Agents. Pls read this very important article if you want to do well for a long time.
The question I was being asked most frequent is - “How do you maintain so many years of success? What do you do when you’re stressed out?”
So here are some of my go-to methods for stress relief that I find particularly beneficial after being in the industry for over 22 years.
1. Physically active – Take your mind off your current tasks by working out or go for a long walk. I usually do some High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), or visit the gym, or even take a hike with my colleagues to free up my mind. I often come back fresher with more ideas and motivation.
2. Practice self-care – Soak yourself in hot water, have a glass of wine and chill out. Sometimes you need to reward and pamper yourself to carry on strong in your business.
3. Comfort food – My favourite activity to relieve my built-up stress is to find comfort in eating my comfort food. In my case, I love ice cream as I feel that the coldness washes down my stress 😂
4. Vacation - I go for yearly vacation; sometime taking a break for one month. I just came back from a 4 week break in Taiwan. Taking a break from time to time is essential for Real Estate Agent. When I go for a vacation, I take a break from my routine and the daily demands and this keep the stress level in check.
And that’s it! That’s my long term success formula. I always come back strong and energized to run my business again!
While my methods work wonders for me, you might see yourself like many other Real Estate Agents taking other approaches like going shopping, hanging out with your friends, travelling, or going to Teo Heng to showcase your angelic voice.
But hey, if it works, it works!
Let me know some of your go-to methods for relieving stress by replying to this email! Or if you prefer to relieve some stress through a coffee session with me, feel free to contact me here! Coffee’s on me!
Till next time,